
Animated Video Production

Animated Video Production

Animated videos are powerful tools to add to your marketing, fundraising, or educational arsenal. They can be used to draw new audiences, break down complex information, and inspire people to action.

Case Study Client: Johnson Service Group PLC

Creative Direction: Adrian Di Mambro, Firefly Creative

Video Production: Dotty Albro, Albro Animation

Like many companies, Johnson Service Group needed to provide Code of Conduct training to their staff. Being the ‘people first’ company that they are, they recognized that this information isn’t the most engaging, despite it’s importance.

To solve for that, they commissioned a Code of Conduct animation series to help their staff not only remember the information but also enjoy the experience. By keeping the videos quick, making use of characters, and adding a touch of humour, the animations keep staff engaged and ingrain the vital information.


Above: The Johnsons Way logo, containing the four key pillars of the program.

Above: The designed style frames for each of the Johnsons Way Pillars.

Above: The final design for the Integrity Pillar (Code of Conduct video).


This project is part of a larger series in which JSG showcase all four pillars of their sustainability plan - named The Johnsons Way.

The first video made for the series was for the Communities Pillar where I had worked with the client to realize the design style they had in mind. Using that as a reference point, I expanded that visual style to include each colour of the four pillars.

From there, I created a storyboard for each of the 11 videos within this project, bringing to life the character scenes for the client.